
Showing posts from January, 2024

Daily Mirror case study

  1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages (you may want to add an example for each from our Daily Mirror CSP): Masthead:  In publishing, a masthead is  a list at the top of a page that includes the names of editors, writers, and owners, as well as the title of the newspaper or magazine . Pug:  used to promote exciting news or promotions Splash Head:  The lead story Slogan:  a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising. Dateline:  A line at the beginning of a document (such as a newspaper article) stating the place of origin and typically the date, and often written in capital letters . Kicker:  A kicker is  an additional headline for your news Byline:   gives the name of the writer of the article . Standfirst: 

December Mock Exam: Learner Response

  1) Type up any feedback on your paper  (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). If you only have marks and a grade on the paper, write a WWW/EBI yourself based on your scores. WWW- This is significant progress on previous assessments (up 21%) and would be even higher with a couple of elements of exam technique. Plenty to build on here, well done! EBI- The key aspect is question focus : reading and sticking to the question. Then you want to add more depth and examples to your essay answers. 2) Use  the mark scheme for this Paper 2 mock to read the answers AQA were looking for . First, write down a definition and example of non-diegetic sound (Q1.1 and 1.2).  All sounds generated within the world of the drama.  When Lyra says "So youre a kitchen boy then?" 3) Next, identify  three  points you could have made in Q1.3 - camerawork and the extract. Look for the indicative content in the mark scheme - these are the suggested answers